You are here: Home / LBN / Up2date / Plone and Zope / BastionLinux 25 / ftw.contentpage-1.13.0-1.lbn25.noarch


Package Attributes
RPM  ftw.contentpage-1.13.0-1.lbn25.noarch.rpm Architecture  noarch Size  979169 Created  2023/06/18 04:07:14 UTC
Package Specification
Summary Contentpage based on Simplelayout for for web/intranet
Group Application/Internet
License ZPL
Home Page

ftw.contentpage provides some content types optimized for organisations, communities, associations, and more.

It uses simplelayout to manage and display the content.


ContentPage: Folderish type for the site structure. Contains the blocks AddressBlock: AddressBlock contains address informations and it uses ftw.geo to render a map ListingBlock: A folderish block, which lists files and images by default. Two block views are provided: Tabular listing and a gallery view. The columns of the file listing are configurable per block. The default set of columns is configured through the the registry ( The default sort order of the Listingblock file listing can be configured per block. EventPage / EventFolder: A simple and minimal event implementation based on a ContentPage. News / NewsFolder: A simple news implementation based on a ContentPage.

Special views:

There's a two-column and two-level overview named authorities_view, which displays a list of ContentPages with with the IAuthority interface. The IAuthority interface ist added and removed by ticking a checkbox called "Mark content for listings" on the ContentPage. This allows to decide if a ContentPage is displayed on the authorities_view manually. The checkbox is implemented with archetypes.schemaextender, which allows to extend other content types:

Code example:

The Checkbox is protected with the permission: ftw.contentpage: Toggle IAuthority marker interface.

The EventFolder has a simple events listing, which shows the next 10 upcoming events (batching included).

The NewsFolder has a simple news listing, which shows the 10 most recent news entries (batching included).

ContentListing viewlet:

The content listing viewlet is registered for all ContentPages. It shows categorized subcontent, within the ContentPage The categorization is done by a schemaextended field, so it's also possible to categorize your own or any other content.

Code example:

Teaser Image All content pages, event pages and news are able to display a teaser image, which is stored on the content itself. It behaves like a regular block and shows also the description. The teaser image related fields have their own write permission, one per content type. Take a look at the rolemap.xml for details.

Portlet It's possible to enable an archive portlet for News and EventPages. It only works if the current view is the news or event listing view. The portlet is not created by default.

ftw.contentpage is using the additional slot provided by simplelayout (implements the IAdditionalListingEnabled interface of simplelayout)

So the layout has the following structure:

Simplelayout main slot for blocks The content listing viewlet The additional slot for blocks

This way it's possible to display content below the content listing viewlet (by drag'n'drop)

ftw.lawgiver support

ftw.contentpage supports ftw.lawgiver


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